Thursday, May 04, 2006

peanuts, cracker jacks, and the final final exam...

well, friends? the first pitch was thrown last week, i reached the seventh inning stretch right after my first amendment final on tuesday, and now it's the bottom of the ninth, the scoreboard says i'm up, but i have to defend my lead for another three outs. i'm hoping for nothing but pop flies and strike-outs from the home team so this can all be over soon, painless and quick-like.

(erm, the above was brought to you by a girl who loves baseball, but truly knows nothing of its nuanced beauty. i know, on some superficial level, that there are things like the infield fly rule and interleague politics, but i don't really know. and i felt that i owed mark some sort of peace offering for insisting that he and i go to the phillies/red sox game in a couple of weeks, knowing that he hates the red sox, but not realizing until now how much he truly hates the red sox. for the first time in my life, i'm a little afraid of my normally peaceful, laid back friend. who knew that such savagery could come from a man who only eats vegetables?)

ahem, the point, though, is that this is it! the time has come, the time is now! (marvin k. mooney? anyone? anyone?) i'm all done with this craptastic crap-a-thon called the second year of law about 8 1/2 hours. one more final -- estates and trusts (why oh why isn't there a key somewhere on this keyboard that allows me to draw hearts and smiley faces and stars and moonbeams and ponies???). i do so love estates and trusts... and not like how i love baseball. i love baseball the way schoolgirls have crushes on professor indiana jones. like, i'll bat my eyelashes (you better believe that pun was intended) and giggle, but i don't really know who the man behind the myth is. i love estates and trusts, however, the way i love the BCS and college football -- and hopefully that kind of love is what it's going to take to make me wildly successful on this 80 question multiple choice final exam.

i finished my last sleep of my second year of law school with a dream about law school. in this dream, a certain class of 2007, sec. B criminal law professor was conducting a class, and various barco high characters were strewn about the classroom, raising their hands to interject a lot of haughty, highfalutin nonsense about the case we were to have read for class. and i had a point that i thought was relevant and even important, but i was hesitant to raise my hand... but eventually i did. and the professor loved it! i was the class genius! the sad thing, though, is that the point i made was some sort of parallel to the way the text of the opinion was written and things i studied as an undergrad on her way to her english degree.

this is what i'm hoping that dream meant -- my most successful speaking-up-in-a-big-lecture-hall-sized-class experience was in...estates and trusts! so, this dream was a prediction of great success and brilliant insight on the Es & Ts final today! way to go, sleeping brain! way to psych myself into utter delusion!

the bad news, though, is that i've started this banner day in a seriously grumpy mood. i'm cranky, sleep-deprived, for some reason there's a bruise on my shin. i've just made a pot of coffee, and i've got five hours to do my last minute preparations, so i'd better get on that.

regardless, it will all be over soon. and there will be much rejoicing!


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Moon said...

" 80 question multiple choice final exam"

goodness, whose craptastic idea was that test format!?

one can't bullshit a multiple choice exam, and if ever an exam called for bullshit, it is E's & T's.


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