Tuesday, May 02, 2006

so uncool...

hmmm... tom and i had a little disagreement today. despite his better efforts, he's not going to convince me that he's right on this matter. but he and andrew and i did have a chance to talk it out this evening at the crazy mocha in shadyside. and you know what? the three of us actually managed to discuss it civilly and intelligently!

alas, it quickly devolved into one of those boring conversations where the three of us proved to ourselves and each other that our academic pursuits have converted us into dorky lawyer types who turn everything into some sort of policy discussion. but that wasn't the low point in the conversation. oh no. the low point went like this...

i forget what the topic was, but tom made some point and then said the word, "kaboom". i said, "you can't say that word -- only krista and i can use that word." and then andrew said something about how krista and i don't have a monopoly on the word "kaboom" -- it's a fairly well-known word... to which tom responded, "yeah -- even shaquille o'neal had that movie about it."

right at that moment, tom's phone rang, so the conversation kinda halted. but something didn't seem right to me... kaboom? shaq? huh?

and then it dawned on me! so right as tom answers his phone, i say, " YOU MEAN KAZAAM!"

and tom gave me a high-five.



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