Friday, May 18, 2007

dear torts professor, my apologies...

so the torts portion of my bar exam preparation course is over, and i'm left with the overwhelming sense that my first year torts professor did a much better job of teaching us torts than we've been giving him credit for these past couple of years.

see, where other torts classes were reading over a hundred cases and going over all of the elements of the intentional torts, we read about 25 cases and focused on the elements of negligence -- duty, breach, causation, and damages. and for each of those cases we broke down the rationale of the opinions and offered the best critiques of that rationale that our green, rigid, not-yet-lawschooled brains could muster.

and we did a lot of bitching (as if we actually knew enough to do so!) because we weren't learning about battery or assault or defamation or trespass, but based on the stuff we covered in the bar prep class, i really do think we got a damn fine torts experience. and a much less boring one than some of our colleagues.

also, this bar prep stuff has got me feeling like a 1L again. suddenly, things like res ipsa loquitur and fee tail are funny again, and i'm well aware of how little substantive law one needs to know in order to be a decent lawyer.


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