Saturday, February 10, 2007

dungeons and dragons...

no, this isn't to be a disclosure of a new-found geekdom. the dungeon in question is the basement in my old-as-the-steel-industry building. the dragon in question is my weird, uncontrollable, and irrational spurts of anger that seem to be haunting me these past couple of weeks. i really hope this is attributable to stress and isn't indicative of a new personality development. but i digress.

my intentions with this post are to write about how in the middle of having one load of clothes in the dryer and another in mid-rinse cycle in the washer, both laundry machines in the basement stopped working. kaput! of course, i got pissed off. PISSED! and started swearing and storming around, my head full of images of draping two loads of laundry, one that includes sheets and a blanket, over any surface in my apartment, only to have two stupid cats decide to make them into a playland. grrr...

now, these laundry machines are old. way old. and the dryer is pretty much on its last leg. but given that both machines went out, the probable culprit was a blown fuse and not machine error. but i didn't really feel too keen on snooping around the basement fuse boxes, trying to figure out which one went to the laundry room, especially given that it sounded like my landlord was at home, and i didn't want to suddenly immerse him in darkness by playing with the fuses. so i called him.

and there was no answer! guh! i left a long message, and then waited about half an hour to see if he'd call back. then i started to get antsy about my clothes sitting downstairs in various degrees of dampness, so i grabbed some extension cords and journeyed to the basement.

...and that's why there's a big chain of extension cords running from one side in the basement to the other providing power to the laundry machines. and now i'm much less pissed off.

oh, and my landlord did call back while i was rerouting the power supply. he suggested that we all start doing our laundry against rocks in the backyard. it may come to that, i fear.

* * *

look, i realize this post is next-to-worthless, okay? i just wanted something other than a link to an article about mat herpes to be the first thing people read when they click on this blog.


At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venting is never wothless! :-)


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