Monday, September 11, 2006

buzz bin...

something's gotten into me lately (student loan money in my checking account, perhaps?) that's got me on this lame indie rock consumption kick. and by "lame" i mean that i'm collecting all this music that's fairly new (i.e., it's not from my beloved pavement/sonic youth-era indie rock heyday), but to which i've been hopelessly oblivious because, well, i just don't put nearly as much energy into keeping up with new music as i used to. i've recently acquired albums by such old-fangled groups as neutral milk hotel and the decemberists and broken social scene. and my friend chris gave me a DVD with about a billion gigs of music on it that i've only just begun to give my attention to (seriously, chris -- i've only really gotten through maybe a dozen of the albums on that disk. but i'm really digging the butterglory and the holly golightly. and i know everybody loves clap your hands say yeah, and i'm sure rolling stone suck-azine is touting them as the new white stripes and all, but i really like them, too. oh, and mates of state? rad.).

and it's nice. i gotta say, it's nice to have music that i don't know. i have a tendency to compulsively consume music that knocks me out (see, e.g., my sufjan stevens obsession) until my brain is full of every timing quirk, every harmony, every misplaced electric guitar track (does anybody else share my frustration that sufjan had to go and ruin "springfield...", which is a fucking beautiful song, with the guitar track? does anybody else even know what i'm talking about?!?!)

like, if i can round out this cliche for you, on sunday afternoon i was at [ahem] a tiny coffee shop in shadyside, listening to [erm] my ipod, while i read for my [eyeroll] gender and the law class [AND YES, GODDAMN IT! I _WAS_ WEARING MY NEW FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC BLUE ADIDAS GAZELLES! but let the record show that i was NOT drinking a latte or anything like that. and i had all my stupid colored pens--my intricate and effective multi-colored note-taking system--all laid out in front of me on table. see??? i'm NOT a hipster!!! I'M NOT A HIPSTER!!!] and i managed to listen to five albums while i was reading, none of which was familiar enough to me that it posed a threat of distraction from my reading. not too bad. not too bad indeed.

[file this post under "impending mid-life crisis". did i mention that this is the last week of my 20s? hello 30! goodbye dignity.]


At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i object! there is nothing undignified about being 30. uncool? maybe. lame? definitely, but undignified...nooo way.

btw, before i turned the big 3-0, i asked my beloved husband what it was like to be 30, and he told me that it's like turning a corner and heading straight for 40.

yippee for 30!

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you finally get your pony.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger mjs said...

you may not like these album recommendations (or you may already know them...) but here are some music recommendations (i only offer them because I just missed the whole pavement/sonic youth thing and had to play catch up all throughout college...or maybe it was because my high school was full of hippies (rather than hipsters)). these cds got me through law school and the bar exam.

either way:

- the essex green - the long goodbye (1L)
- architecture in helsinki (kinda like the go! team & touring with clap your hands say yeah) - in case we die (bar exam - random: it was this and lots of serge gainsbourg)
- the wrens - the meadowlands (1L)

and, yeah, yeah, yeah, betting against the odds may be irresponsible and rankings are great and all but the you know what's greater (and more fun)? predicting a sweet victory for the wolverines' in south bend this saturday. go blue! (thankfully, i am not a law student anymore so it's not like i'm competitive or anything...:-))

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, make me some CDs... i'm in dire need of more, more, more music.
hey, have i asked you of your opinion on the newest sonic youth album? if not, i'm doing it now. i like it a lot.


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