Sunday, September 10, 2006

big leagues...

i finally got my very own copy (thanks, dad!) of _A Good War is Hard to Find_, my friend dave's first published book. call me sentimental or sappy or even just plain lame, but looking at the copyright page, with its library of congress categorization and its ISBN number, i got all proud. so i had to call dave. which was good, since it had been several weeks since i had talked to him. and, he told me something way way cool, which is that the book is gonna be reviewed in an october new york times book review! pretty. effing. spectacular.

here, check it:oh, and check out who gets a shout-out in the acknowledgements page! i'm psyched about that, too. the other names in the "first readers" group are some of my amazing college friends. every sunday evening of our junior and senior years we met and workshopped our own writing. dorky? you better believe it. we were the darlings of the a few of the faculty members in the english department and we named our little group after a john coltrane song. yet, it was one of the most amazing elements of my college existence, and those friendships will be dear to me for the rest of my life. word.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Moon said...

funny: i've got an amazon box on my desk that, when i open it, should disclose three copies of the same book, one each for me, the monkey, and elizabeth.

really loved meeting him (at your insistence), and i can't wait to read the entire book. the times review thing is a HUGE COUP -- bully for Dave!!

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i got a little blurry-eyed reading this post. how cool is it that dave's gotten published? how cool is it that the dorky little things we did in college actually make us into what we are today?

not that i was one of those english writing dorks....go math!


At 5:32 PM, Blogger emily said...

dave will be back to read in PGH in november. details to follow.

and every time i see "the monkey" as a reference to michael, i get a little thrown off. given that various folks in my life have called me "monkey" or "monkey bird" or "bird monkey". but maybe i'm just a weirdo?

oh, schoss? lest you think i don't give my props to the relevance of you math dorks in my life, erm, note the name of this blog.


At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i know.
i can't tell you how much i love to be reminded of "your cousin, throckmorton" whenever i come to the site.

hey, i just remembered something. the author of that physics textbook is (or was) a professor at carnegie mellon.

when i would come home from breaks in college, i always wanted to go find him. i can't remember his name, though. and god knows where my physics books are now.


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