Friday, June 16, 2006

et cetera...

1. my ipod has been stuck on "victoria" by the kinks for about 12 hours now. i must make arrangements in anticipation of the ipod's departure from this life. this makes emily a sad girl.

2. the stupid crappy girl shoes i had on the other day created a most painful blister on the big toe of my right foot. this makes emily a sad girl.

3. the supremes are again fucking with my beloved fourth amendment. i'm wading through the opinion now (Hudson v. Michigan). update to follow.

4. some guy on the elevator this morning looked at me and said, "it's friday, right?" i wanted to respond with "sounds like somebody's got a case of the mondays".


At 8:07 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

1. Buy a Nano. Ties in with #2

2. Buy Nike + iPod shoes and go running with your new combo.

3. You have time to read cases for FUN?!?

4. Maybe he was commenting on your choice of 'casual Monday' attire?

Hope you're enjoying yourself in the city of brotherly love.


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