Wednesday, November 02, 2005

do the right thing...

today i swallowed my pride and did something i've needed to do for a long time. it involves a friendship that got all kindsa messed over the summer and has been this awkward thing, at least for me, all during the school year so far.

today, the moment felt right, it seemed like as good a time as any to try to make amends. so i did. nothing big, just a "hi. how've you been? i just wanted to see how things are going because it's dumb not to." and it was well-received.

i felt so relieved when the interaction was finished that i nearly cried. because sometimes it takes more energy to stay enemies than it does to be friends.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

Second that.

Like I said earlier, I can understand the dispute but...

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Gollum... said...

very true...but very difficult to forgive and forget...


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