Sunday, November 05, 2006

six feet under...

it took me two and a half months, but as of tonight, i've finished watching all five seasons of _six feet under_.

the series finale had me crying like a baby. cry cry cry cry cry! the last four episodes all made me cry. i've told people in the past two and half months that i've felt like i was dating _six feet under_. seriously -- it was how i spent my free time, i got emotionally involved in it, it kept me interested, i looked forward to seeing it. it rarely let me down, too. i'll admit to being a little bored during the beginning of the last season, but the end was fantastic, and, as they say, all's well that end's well.

and, what's not to love about a show that focuses on characters who grew up in a funeral home? it's funny and sad and touching and human and the characters are flawed and vulnerable and earnest.

there you go. add it to your netflix queue.


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