Saturday, November 04, 2006

the hazard three-part test...

...did not make an appearance today on the MPRE. neither did the good ol' ethical guidepost of not sleeping with your client. and no sarbanes-oxley, either.

so how did it go? ugh. i refuse to talk about it. that's the duty of confidentiality. to myself. and my level of confidence. what's that you say? this makes no sense? no. indeed. but at least i'll know what to expect when i re-take this bitch in march.


BUT, let's just hope that come july, when i have to sit for the bar exam, they'll give us test-takers more than a tiny auditorium-seat-sized writing surface and a room with an actual clock in it. and maybe a reasonable room temperature?

eh, whine whine whine boo hoo. at least it's over! that's something positive.


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