Tuesday, August 08, 2006

no more joe-mentum for CT!!!

the results are in! according to the hartford courant, the new candidate for the dems in the connecticut senatorial race is everybody's favorite who-the-hell-is-this-guy: NED LAMONT!!!

hot damn! i love me some democracy!


At 11:13 PM, Blogger emily said...

yes. i know that lieberman is running as an indie.

what a fucktard. that concession speech? um, WHA?!?!

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Holden said...

Yup, the problem is that the fucktard is going to win in the fall as an independent and then likely be a less reliable vote for the Dems in the Senate, where, overall anyway, on non-war issues, he's been OK at least. While the Lamont win is a nice anti-war message, I wonder if this hurts the Dems in the long run in the Senate.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger emily said...

ah, party politics...

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Moon said...

democracy in spades and smacks upside one's head. lieberman's scum for using the party mantle to his substantial advantage -- um, a few thousand florida voters from the vice presidency, anyone? anyone? -- and then not only abandoning it but suborning it completely as soon as it served his purposes to do so.

his voting record away from the war has been utterly questionable. he's a jewish moralist only marginally more skeptical and tolerant of competing views than his christian moralists counterparts and, let's just say it, peers.

and now he reveals his true colors as an elitist, arrogant, opportunist. and before anyone takes the title of this post and throws back epitome-of democracy crap at me, the epitome of democracy would have been him identifying himself as an independent before the primary campaigns began, before all of the democratic party-arranged fundraisers, not after, and only after, it turned out the dems couldn't return him to the senate where he would continue to collaborate with the worst exponents of the republican caucus.

i would have applauded him for identifying himself independent as a matter of principle; i'm no slave to any party. hell, insofar as zell miller sincerely hearkens back to a time when conservative bigots occupied a southern faction of the democratic party, even he has more claim to the party than liebermand does as far as i'm concerned.

one can only hope that the connecticut voters have enough sense to vote for the one non-conservative candidate they have at their disposal, the one candidate who doesn't think bush is doing a very good job as president, and that connecticut democrats have the sense not to vote for a political whore whose serial betrayals were just amplified by an order of magnitude by the ultimate manipulation of the system.

now. don't i feel better? yes i do.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger emily said...

moon? i feel better, too.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Holden said...

Yup, party politics, 'cause in an election year where a Dem Senate majority could do things like place the judiciary committee in a 10-9 voting position to stop extreme right-wing appointments to the federal courts, it's necessary to play party politics. I hate Lieberman, and applaud the hate behind your rant, Moon, but it's a little scary to think about an "independent" Lieberman. Who knows? He may caucus with the Dems if elected (just like Jim Jeffords does), which is all they need him to do, but I'm not so sure he will, and that would really suck if they need that one vote for a Senate majority.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Moon said...

i just reread my rant and it made me fall all warm and happy all over again. :-)

well, except for the two typos (em, that's for you).

it's entirely plausible that lieberman will split the GOP vote in CT just as bad as the Dem vote to lamont's ultimate benefit. and the party's instantaneous, and unequivocal show of support for lamont (and implicit chastisement of lieberman for not gracefully bowing out), as reported on the top of the Times webpage at the moment, is very very encouraging (if not terribly surprising).

truth is, the senate's a huge long shot anyway, so i feel more comfortable standing on principle on this one. i don't think lieberman, were he to pull out an independent victory, would have the balls to caucus with the GOP and complete his betrayal. he may be a toadie to power, but i think he has about as many friends on the GOP side of the aisle as any high school bandmember who's humored around the cool kids only because his parents have a really nice pool.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Moon said...

arguably three typos in the original screed. i hate myself.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger emily said...

eh, typos notwithstanding, you're still a-okay with me.

just don't go linking to this thread on one of your other regular blogs, because then i'll hate you, too.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

bravo, moon. great post!


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