Thursday, March 02, 2006

spring broken...

tommy and andy, a couple of things before you head off to da dutch...

1. please don't get yourselves tossed into any amsterdam prisons
2. tom, stay away from the prostitutes and the teenage girls
3. andrew, please don't kill tom
4. you boys might want to, as a precautionary measure in case you get too stoned, pin your names and emergency contact info to the front of your shirts
5. have an amazing time! be good! and bring me back a little windmill.



At 1:03 AM, Blogger Timmer said...

um, boys (sorry Em, I'm jumping in)--I am going to NEED some chocolate--I mentioned this to Lukas earlier--but you know how sometimes you say something to Lukas and you are not sure he really HEARD you--he said, "Okay Sweetie," but I wasn't really secure in the knowledge that chocolate was happening. Don't get all "coffee" and "girl(HA!)" crazy and forget about my needs (me, me, me--ah, only children--aren't we grand?)

OK--totally funny--my word verification at the bottom here is--umfeta (um, feta?)--I don't want dutchy feta--don't misunderstand, I love feta, but um, chocolate!!

At 4:08 PM, Blogger AML said...

Timmer, fabulous observation about me...very true, but your choco-desire did seep into my subconscious. And should I forget I'll have Fauchon fedex you something fab from Paris.



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