Thursday, February 09, 2006


so, i just got home from having a celebratory drink with krista and paul because krista and i put in a spectacular performance this evening for the client counseling competition, and as i got in, michael came downstairs to borrow my iron and my ironing board, and as i'm standing in my apartment talking to michael, what runs across my kitchen floor but a MOUSE!!! a goddamn mouse!!! what the hell?!?! I HAVE TWO CATS!!! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF PSYCHO KAMIKAZE MOUSE IS HANGING OUT IN MY APARTMENT??!!!

this means one of two things:

1) i have the laziest, most good-for-nothing felines ever, or
2) this mouse is a crazy asshole

i just hope the mouse doesn't have friends.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger stephie said...

I'd suggest that we throw Bessie into the mix, but she's afraid of small birds, so I'm not sure she'd be much help. Our cats are pathetic.

BTW, it really freaks me out that we have mice in the house. They're cute and all, but, I'm just picturing a bunch of them scurrying around the apartment while we're sleeping -- eek! Let's hope it's just the one. How does one catch & release a mouse?

(my word verification was "mrfute." I don't know why that's funny.)

At 11:26 AM, Blogger tmb said...

Mr. Fute is the mouse's name.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger emily said...

how does one catch and release a mouse? okay, no traps and no sticky paper -- i can't deal with any of that. for now, i'm going to put my trust in my fierce cats. milo was once quite a good mouser. he would leave them for me in places where i was sure to find them. he's fatter now, but i believe in his tenacity!

why is it that i can't stand the thought of killing a little mouse with traps or poison or anything like that, but i have no problems with my cats having mouse blood on their little paws? ah, nature...

(my word verification was "lahguo". and for the record, i take issue with the term "word" verification. because lahguo is certainly not a word. neither is mrfute. stupid blogger!)

At 2:07 PM, Blogger stephie said...

Poor Mr. Fute. Perhaps if Milo's mousing days are over, we can keep him as our house mouse.

(Why don't they just call it "nonword" verification?)

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Moon said...

kinnell is crazy. and he seems like a barely restrained dirty old man with uncommon literary talent, like he's just one book award away from descending to groping bus-patron-ness. unless maybe he's dead. i can't remember. i just made up bus-patron-ness, in any event.

perhaps milo hasn't figured out there's a mouse yet. and why are you letting kenobi off the hook anyway. maybe milo detected the mouse, but wants the protege to step up and is willing to wait.

my cats were terrible with the mice i had in my old apartment. the only one they ever cornered they basically played with to death, or at least until the mouse was so crippled that i could easily scoop him up in a little box. and then i threw him out the second-floor window. a back-breaking mousetrap would have been more humane.

my non-word verification: oyijpat!


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