Thursday, December 01, 2005

wicked smaht...

a couple of things have happened in the past couple of days that i want to memorialize. it seems to be somewhat of a trend (or perhaps just a leitmotif?) of late that i number the points on my posts, so i'm gonna stick with that. because it's easy. and i'm a simple girl.

1. yesterday in race, racism, and american law, my fave pitt law grad and critical race theorist extraordinaire derrick bell joined us for class. but here's the really good part -- we were discussing a classmate's paper, which is in part about the inadequacies of the no child left behind act, and i made a comment about the problem of standards and how within the way that education systems are set up, it's almost impossible to accommodate various learning styles and stuff. what i said in class was much better, but if i were to reproduce it here, people could steal it and ruin me. okay, back on track -- the good part! i made this comment in class, and guess who agreed and made a good supplemental point? none other than professor bell! i'm a genius!

2. had to have a potentially disastrous conversation with professors that i adore yesterday. not only did it exceed all expectations, but apparently they think i'm, like, a valid contributor to class?! WTF?

3. remember that international law brief i was working on a couple of weeks ago? today we had moot court-y oral arguments on the issues that the briefs addressed. we had some options for how to participate in this activity: we could argue one of the sides, we could act as judges, or we could sit there like bumps on logs and observe. i opted to be a judge for the 1331 jurisdiction issue that i wrote on for my brief. this involved being in the moot court room at school, sitting in the big red elevated judges' chairs, and being on a panel with my favorite professor. i was giddy as a schoolgirl! and tom and andrew informed me that i sounded like a crazy english professor when i asked the plaintiff's and defendant's counsel questions about their arguments. regardless of how it was meant, i took that as a damn fine compliment!

there are entirely too many exclamation points in this post.

end transmission.


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Moon said...

a few ennumerated points of my own:

i. it's law school: lawyers tend to number things. you're "learning to think like a lawyer." you poor thing.

ii. the courtroom is fun from the bench, although the acoustics are horrible if you're not using the microphones. did you get to wear a robe?

iii. i don't remember what iii. is.



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