Thursday, December 01, 2005

as if there weren't enough spam out there...

goddamn it, tom! why do you pull me in to these stupid mindless shenanigans?! don't you know i'm quite capable of wasting time on my own?

i'll play along, but i'm not going to charge five friends (because i want them to remain friends of mine) to do the same.

so, fine. the fifth sentence to my 23d post is as follows:

then i'd start on a once-a-week intramuscular injection called avonex.

i have a few things to say about this. first of all, and most obviously, the above is NOT a sentence. it's a sentence fragment.* yes, i find this mildly embarrassing.

secondly, this post is from may 16th, 2004, back when my life was drastically different. i think i've probably said enough in these collective posts about woo-i've-learned-so-much-isn't-life-fan-fucking-tastic?!, so i'll spare you more of the same. for now. but i reserve the right to resume the activity at my leisure.

thirdly, i HATE CHAIN BLOG POSTS!!! and tom, you are NOT a pirate! jesus, if memory serves, when asked to come up with a good pirate name several months ago, the best you could do was "one-eyed mcgee". pathetic!

*tom, who is currently sitting beside me in administrative law, and thus reading as i'm typing this (and yes, i'm attempting to make him laugh and get him in trouble in class, not that our professor even knows we exist, but still... so, yeah)... so tom said, "that's the first thing you have to say about that? that's funny in and of itself." hey tom? suck it.


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Shannon Morgan said...

Sorry that this isn't on topic, bu t just wanted to say that I love your blog title. The husband + I were driving (getting lost) around San Francisco once, and kept finding ourselves on Throckmorton (street, drive, whatever). Now when we inadvertantly take the scenic route to nowhere, it's a Throckmorton. So much more than you ever hoped to know...

At 5:17 PM, Blogger emily said...

that's awesome! and kinda appropriate...

thanks for posting a comment.


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