Wednesday, December 28, 2005


i'm bored. i'm gonna harper's-index this little post. here goes nothing:

number of goats my aunt has on her property: 5

number of times my step-mother has asked me if the size 9 i specified for a new pair of chuck taylors is in men's or women's sizes: 6 (at least)

number of distinct drives up and down beach boulevard i've made so far, trying to make sense of the hurricane damage: 4

number of uncomfortable stories i was just told about my step-mother finding condoms in my step-brother's tool box: 1

number of political debates that i've managed to avoid with family members: 3

number of comments i've gotten that can't objectively be construed as compliments about my hair color: 4

number of trips i reluctantly and scowlingly had to make to wal-mart this week: 1

number of times any given CD in my sister's car will skip when played: thousands

number of stars that are visible in the nighttime sky above my dad's house: billions!

number of hours of sleep i got last night: 12

number of minutes of naptime i was intending to get last night when i laid down on the bed: 30

number of beers my step-brother drank while driving my brother and me to get dinner last night: 1.5

number of times my step-sister and i have been made fun of for suggesting that my dad and step-mom plant a garden in the giant pile of dirt that was used to fill in the swimming pool after hurricane katrina: too many to count

number of times that the sound of a southern accent has made me feel simultaneously homesick, ostracized, baffled, and amused: too many to count

number of stupid fights my sister and i have gotten into which ended in hugs and her saying "i'm sorry, i got my period for christmas" and me saying "i'm sorry, i just want life to be perfect for you": 3

number of hall and oates songs that my brother and i sang while sitting on the front porch earlier in the week: 8, give or take a couple

number of decimal places that my step-sister has memorized for pi, so she can recite it for the talent show at the camp where she's a counselor this week: 100!!!

number of blog posts i've written since being home, including this one: 13


At 3:17 PM, Blogger AML said...

I can NOT believe that you went to Wal-Mart - somebody better have had a shotgun to your head.

Secondly - there are not billions of stars visible from your fathers least not to the human eye without technological assistance

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Matt Throckmorton said...

don't worry about going to Walmart. As for the billions, obviously the other person has not read much poetry.

It just so happens that I am a Throckmorton as well. There are very few of us and I now have something more to read. Without reading your entire history; where are you going to school? Where are you from originally?

At 1:11 PM, Blogger tmb said...

number of liberal mississipians i know: 1, emily (i'm so proud of you and keeping your smiles about you when confronted with republicans....but girl, before i see you, you better shower cause i don't want that conservative crap around me)

number of people who have cited to ann coulter's new book when talking to me: 3...eww i hate ann coulter

xo, me


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