Thursday, July 20, 2006

mass hipsteria...

oh holy crap! so much to blog about, and so little battery power left...

i've now gotten two requests from my adoring public to post something on my blog. and by "adoring public" i mean sandy and mark. actually, neither of those requests were really "requests". if memory serves, sandy called me boring and mark said i suck or that i'm lame or something like that for not having posted since (gasp!) last tuesday!

so here i am, blogging from my friendly neighborhood hipster coffee shop (my old neighborhood, back when i lived in the gayborhood), aghast at how put together these hipsters are, how much effort it must take to look so much like they just. don't. care.

oh, they care. they care a lot.

anyway, lotsa stuff going on. most notably, i haven't had a cigarette in six whole days! of course, my desire for a cigarette right now is nothing less than profound, which makes me feel a little sad. i'm trying to use this dependency as fuel for my, erm, lack of fire. i will own my addictions! they will not own me! roar! sigh... yet, six days is somewhat impressive, on some level, by certain standards. and you gotta start somewhere...

my little brother is coming to visit me this weekend! he'll be up this way to see a friend of his who lives in Our Nation's Capital, so i enticed him with the chinatown bus and his nip/tuck DVDs to come spend a day with his sister. he'll be here sunday afternoon through tuesday morning. this makes me very happy. antics will ensue.

more proof that i'm losing my mind? this morning on my weekly intake phones shift, i spoke to a woman whose landlord is trying to evict her because he claims that there has been drug activity around her apartment. in writing up my notes from the phone call, i wrote the reason for the termination notice as follows: "elicit drug use". of course, my boss called this to my attention. and she laughed at me. she said, "way to spell 'illicit' there, kid." she's lucky i like her. and that she holds me by the balls with her ability to write a bad reference for my future employment pursuits. sheesh.

i think john malkovich is sitting across the way from me here in this coffee shop. not really, but i'm going to believe that it's john malkovich.

and the only reason for the title of this post is because from where i'm sitting, here at the vortex of the last drop and dirty frank's (aka, 13th and pine streets), the only two words that even come remotely close to describing what i see before me are... mass. hipsteria.

(human sacrifice! dogs and cats living together!)


At 7:22 AM, Blogger Holden said...

Congrats on six days without a smoke. Three days is the big achievement. That's about when the actual physical craving goes away. From there it's all mental...not to minimize it, mind you, 'cause oh god I remember it well (and it's been a while now), but just to let you know that that gnawing craving you're having is all in your psyche, so it really can be defeated. :) Just you against yourself. Good times....

At 12:07 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

Nice to see you finally post again... sheesh!!

As for the smoking, yeah... I haven't lit up since June 1. Kinda proud of myself, but kind of angry at myself for smoking so long in the first place. Trying to increase my aerobic capacity, and realizing that I'm pretty much on the bottom end (though I'm still in shape!) of oxygen exchange for someone of my age, weight, and gender.

And the addiction that replaced my addiction has taken a momentary back seat... I suffered a 'chest contusion' on Wednesday during my soccer game, and am working on a new addiction to Percocet, now. And hell, I'd hate to feel what a broken rib feels like, if this is just a bruise.

Enjoy the hipsteria. Just watch out for the Sta-Puft marshmallow man!

Blogger word verification: mrtesit


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