Tuesday, July 11, 2006


because i refuse to accept that i'm getting older and stupider, and i'm really depressed by the fact that my intellectual peak may have been skipping the fifth grade, i've been scouring my past to try and determine what is to blame for the fact that i just wrote a letter with a GODDAMNED MISPLACED MODIFIER in it! i've come to the conclusion that it is, obviously, either the two years of torture-by-brainbleaching that has been law school, or it's that year and a half i spent on anti-seizure meds.

yep. the good times are over. i'm damaged goods.



At 10:18 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

I've done some pretty stoopid stuff in the last year. Way worse than a misplaced modifier. Don't beat yourself up over it.

And some of the briefs I've looked at recently??? Sheesh, you're worried about a LETTER. Think of Allen Iverson talking about PRACTICE. It's PRACTICE. Not a game. PRACTICE. It's a LETTER.


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