Sunday, November 13, 2005

the way sundays should be...

the theme for today seems to have been pretend-you're-not-a-law-student. because i had one of those sundays where i slept in (after a nice late saturday night), got up and went to breakfast, then came back and crawled back in bed for a while for a nap with some good music on in the background. you know, how nature intended sundays to be for people who exist in normal society.

meanwhile, i've got an unfinished seminar paper sitting around collecting dust and an international law final assignment (due on thursday!) just begging for my attention.

but maybe i needed to have a pretend-you're-not-a-law-student day? i'm gonna just consider it one of those mental-health thingies that folks in the real world use as justification for calling out of work. yeah, that's it.


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Moon said...

FWIW, i often gave myself one day on the weekends, and i always gave myself wednesday nights. i'd do the west wing, my girlfriend (when i had one), i'd make a decadent dinner of comfort food, and otherwise that was it. every wednesday. it was critical to my sanity.


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