Saturday, November 12, 2005

technical difficulties... or, teh suck...

crisis averted, yet headaches ensue...

i managed to do something to my template which obliterated my blog. and i, of course, feeling like an amputee without my beloved repository of brainshed, freaked out. so i called michael, figuring that since he uses a source independent from blogger for frightenedmonkey, he _must_ know more about this stuff than i do. but despite his attempts to help, we couldn't restore throckmorton to its prior, unharmed form.

so i found the template code for the layout i use here and i've cut-and-pasted. and now it's time to rebuild. i've lost my counter, my links, my visitor tracking stuff, but at least i still have my posts. jesus. how the hell do you back up a blog anyway?


At 4:02 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I think I'd probably flip out if I lost everything. Then I'd probably start an entirely new blog from scratch.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Moon said...

to back up your blog, just go into blogger's template view, select the entire html code for your blog, then copy it.

open up a txt file in notepad, paste it, save it somewhere on your hard drive, send it to an email account or two, then forget about it. if blogger or you roast your profile, you can just copy the original template code back in.

as for the posts, i wouldn't know how to back it up, but as you didn't lose them i operate on the assumption that google is techsavvy enough that i'd never lose more than a couple day of posts. i figure, it's a hell of a lot easier to swallow that than to go to the trouble of creating a separate database as a back-up for the posts, assuming that's even possible for a blogger account.

sorry you lost all your stuff. if there any code fragments you want that you see on my weblog, let me know -- i'll be happy to pass them on.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger tmb said...

i can tell you what happened cause it happened to mine...basically when you added the thing from which kind of socialist are you or whatever, the column width was too wide. i think they had it for something like 600 and it should be at 300 cause that is what your column width is for your posts. If you can retrieve your archived template, very cool. Just find that post and go into the html version and set the column width to less.

hope you can do it.

by the way, you know you're an alcoholic when you think the word verification spells some sort of liquor...

vdkfovha = vodka :o)


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