Wednesday, August 31, 2005

school is cool...

this afternoon i had my first meeting of my race, racism, and american law seminar. i sat there in the room like a kid on christmas eve! this class is going to be amazing!

the course is being team-taught by professors richard delgado and jean stefancic. not only are they incredibly renowned critical race theory scholars, but they're brilliant and personable and kind and married. delgado is my faculty advisor and i've been nothing but impressed with him from the get-go. if this class goes as well as i hope, i think i might ask delgado and stefancic if they'll adopt me.

and i found out today that on the day before my birthday, derrick bell (pitt law grad extraordinaire, former harvard law prof, current NYU law prof, and a true giant in the critical race theory movement) is going to be lecturing at the law school. that's 2:30 p.m. in the law school courtroom on september 16th. mark your calendars!


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