Sunday, October 28, 2007

reclaiming space...

if you're at all curious as to how long i've been tolerating the ever-worsening frost problem in my freezer, i remember at my 30th birthday celebration my friend greg opened my freezer and made some smart-ass comment about how i might want to defrost the bastard.

um, for reference's sake, i turned 30 thirteen and a half months ago.

anyway, yesterday i had reached my breaking point. i had stopped buying frozen foods at the grocery store weeks ago, but now i could no longer successfully open or close the freezer door because of the frost build-up. i am both embarrassed and amazed that i let my freezer reach this point:

so like a mad mad madwoman, i grabbed a fan and a bunch of towels and got to work. i pretty much spent about three hours hacking at ice chunks with a mixing spoon, spraying warm salt water on all the frost, and generally going after the ice build-up with a fury that would rival the classic greek tragedies. it was magnificent!

and now? well, see for yourself:

i couldn't find my swimming goggles, so i had to use those sunglasses as my protective eyewear. of course.

words cannot express my sense of accomplishment at having conquered this feat.


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