Monday, January 23, 2006

"off the hizzle?"

okay. so, yeah. i'm a music snob. i'm a dirty, rotten, indie rock music snob. but i'm not entirely exclusive in my snobbery. as i'm sure michael and steph can attest, since we all live in close quarters here on south fairmount street and the walls are often too thin (like when a certain landlord's dog is having his wee-hours-of-the-morn-barkfests), i have been known at times to listen to some pretty terrible music. yep. we're talking hall-and-oates-caliber stuff. and the cheesy silly wannabe-karaoke-star in me loves it! i get the biggest kick out of it! but i do still retain some ability to tell the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff, the mass-produced from the mad-skilled.

...and i totally have a secret love for music that fucking grooves.* for example, a friend burned me a copy of the john legend CD "get lifted" and i've totally had track number 7, called "i can change", on repeat for a while now. yeah, i could do without the snoop dogg shit (although i do find snoop completely hilarious! here's a sample lyric, as best as i can make it out: "i can change but only for you cause you the type of female, you know what i'm sayin', you bring that out in a playa, make me wanna lay down the pimpin' and step my love game up, can you dig that?"), but there's this part in the song where it breaks down and there's a CHOIR! with HANDCLAPS!!! the lyrics leading up to it go: "so i'm through with the women/yeah that's right/i give up on the pimpin'/girl i'm gonna repent from my sinnin'/if that's what you want me to do..." it's pretty hot. i'm an absolute sucker for handclappin' choirs. and horn sections. sheesh.

i hearby declare my candidacy for mayor of moronville, captain of craptastica, and director of dorktown.

*oh. my. god. that might be the lamest thing i've EVER written, including my entire seventh grade diary.


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