Thursday, January 19, 2006

calling all tax attorneys...

so, you folks who have taken/are taking tax:

my income for 2005 was exactly $0. the only thing that even approximated income was my PLISF grant for my summer internship. do i still need to file, given that i can't be taxed on what i didn't earn? or would the IRS prefer to not have to deal with me this year?

that's right -- i'm asking fellow law students for legal advice. i figure if dice can post her last will and testament on her blog, i can ask my tax questions on mine. this counts as reasonable reliance, right?


At 10:20 PM, Blogger perpetual slacker said...

From the 1040 instruction sheet

Chart A—For Most People
IF your filing status is . . . THEN file a return* if your gross income** was at least . . .
Single - $8,200

* This is not to be construed as legal advice. No opinion has been offered as to the validity of the filing instruction sheet, nor does the author of this comment intend for any reliance to occur on the part of the intended recipient or any other party as to the accuracy of the information provided or the competency or incompetency of any opinions or conclusions reasonably or unreasonably conveyed from or by providing such information.

**Gross income means all income you received in the form of money, goods, property, and services that is not exempt from tax, including any income from sources outside the United States (even if you can exclude part or all of it).

Loans are generally exempt from tax.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger emily said...

note to self: when in need of help writing disclaimers, ask grant.


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