Monday, November 07, 2005

what a difference a day makes...

good news! i'm online right now with my computer! the bad news, however, is that i'm online the old-fashioned way -- with an ethernet cable. tonight just may be the night when i call dell and, while thanking them kindly for the new motherboard, very sternly express my dissatisfaction with their inability to repair my wireless connection. it looks like this little computer may be taking another trip in the mails sometime soon. shite.

had a kinda interesting unexpected journey to ikea yesterday (a journey which cost me only $5, and which got me a new ficus plant, because god knows i need more plants).

this has been a good few weeks for making new friends and that's always nice. too bad it hasn't been a good few weeks for school work because i'm about 75 pages behind in international law and about 50 pages behind in administrative law. and jesus, i haven't done a full reading for reproduction, sexuality, & the law in like, forever.


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