Friday, October 28, 2005

phone call...

i'm spending my afternoon with andrew and my seminar paper in the law school library. good times for all. my phone rang earlier (it's on silent -- i'm not one of _those_ assholes) and while usually i would have let the call go into voice mail (i am one of _those_ assholes) the call was from my friend bryce, one of my favorite college friends, with whom i haven't talked in many moons. bryce is a poet-turned-lawyer (funny how i seem to know several of those), a japanese kid who grew up in los angeles and who earned the name "white rice bryce" in high school because of his devotion to all things american pop-culture and caucasian (and i do mean devotion -- the kid had a dawson's creek calendar in his hoboken apartment after we graduated from college).

my first thought was that bryce was calling to tell me that he and his wife are expecting. (i guess this assumption means i'm officially an adult.) and i said to bryce, "you're not having a kid or anything, are you?" right as a classmate of mine who is having a kid happened to be passing by. d'oh!

alas, bryce and his wife are not having a kid. but they are buying a "historic" san antonio home. and they have two dogs. and they probably have a combined annual salary well into the six-figure range that doesn't begin with a 1.

and me? well, i've got two cats, i rent an apartment that my loans just cover, and i'll most likely never make six figures a year.

but that's okay. i'm okay.

and it was fantastic to hear from bryce. i love the kid -- he's truly one of my favorite human beings ever. of course, i could have done without him asking "so, you got a job yet?" (because of course i don't, nor do i have prospects, nor do i know what the hell it's all for), but i know damn well that he will certainly not be the last person to ask me that...


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