Thursday, December 15, 2005

another thought on the evidence final...

one of my favorite people sent andrew and me the following e-mail yesterday, re-printed in its entirety:

"he's a drunk, he's a slut, he's a tuition stealin' kind of a guy."

because our evidence prof would say stuff in his hypotheticals like "wendy's a slut! and her brother is a drunk!" to illustrate how the fed. rulz deal with character evidence. and since evidence for character has to go to truthfulness/untruthfulness of the witness, our prof would phrase this as whether so-and-so was "a lyin' kind of a guy."

see, folks? i TOLD you that our evidence professor is a jackass.

so anyway, this e-mail did get me thinking about how, regardless of whether the final itself was fair or unfair, there are personal economic considerations with which to contend here...

like, i'm not in law school for my health (quite possibly, being here contributes to my lack thereof), and ain't nobody giving me this education out of pure goodness. this degree is expensive and i'm paying out the nose for it. so, should i be pissed about this evidence final because i basically purchased three credits of evidence this semester and got a bum deal?

maybe... not sure what i think of this, in light of yesterday's post...


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